Q&A on 5G Technology
Q. What is 5G?
A. The term “5G” refers to the “fifth generation” of wireless technology. 5G is a marketing term for an array of technical improvements that increases the speed of wireless transmissions. 5G networks operate in various new frequencies and therefore require special antennas
Q. Why do we need 5G?
A. 5G will allow the faster transmission of data (e.g., movies) to wireless devices (e.g., cell phones). If you watch a lot of movies on your phone, this could be an advantage. To stream a 4K (super high quality) movie on your phone, you might need 5G. (Although it’s reasonable to question the advantage of watching a super high quality movie on a 3-inch screen).
Q. Is 5G faster than cable?
A. No. 5G will always be slower than fiber-optic cable. All wireless networks require a fiber-optic cable to carry the signals to and from the internet. By definition, the wireless signal will always be slower.
Q. Why do 5G antennas need to be so close to homes and apartments?
A. 5G signals don’t travel as far as 3G and 4G signals, and they can be blocked by rain, trees, or walls of buildings.
Q. Is 5G more dangerous than previous generations of wireless technology?
A. The fact is no one knows yet. We do know that 5G-type signals are used by the military for “active denial” systems because the signals can inflict intense pain. Studies show that there are harmful effects on skin and it’s structure and the corneas of eyes. But science is slow, and neither the telecoms nor our government health agencies are supporting any research on the issue.
Q. Why do people say that a 5G small cell antenna will be “on” all the time?
A. While the 5G antenna will only be used “on demand” or when requested by a device, it is designed to work in conjunction with 4G, which emits constant radiation. While the science is still developing on 5G, there is plenty of research on other generations of wireless, and the risk to human health is real and significant.
Q. Is 5G required for autonomous cars, or first responders, or telemedicine?
A. No. We already have automated vehicles, and wireless has been proven to be unreliable in emergency weather and fire events (wireless antennas can even cause fires). We’re not aware of any medical institution that is relying on a wireless connection for critical medical practice.
Q. Is 5G more secure than previous generations of wireless communications?
A. No, all forms of wireless are inherently more vulnerable to hacking, data theft and security breaches. Wired connections are more secure and harder to hack.