Americans for Responsible Technology
in association with the
BroadBand International Legal Action Network
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The Rights of Citizens in the
Deployment of Wireless Infrastructure

Welcome and Introduction - Doug Wood
Doug is founder and National Director of Americans for Responsible Technology, a non-profit organization.
Protecting Every Citizen - Brenda Martinez
Brenda is a founding member of Fiber First LA, a non-profit coalition advocating for safe, reliable and economical fiberoptic broadband for everyone. Brenda is a mother, a community organizer and a strong and articulate spokesperson for her community.
Part Two: Three Essential Components - Scott McCollough
For ten years, Scott was Assistant Attorney General for the State of Texas and represented the State before regulatory agencies with jurisdiction over gas, telephone, water and electric utilities. In private practice he has focused on public law and regulation relating to telecommunications, and recently argued the successful case against the FCC on behalf of Environmental Health Trust and Children's Health Defense.
Part Three: The TCA and the Rights of Local Officials - Andrew Campanelli
Andrew is a litigation and Telecommunications Act attorney who handles local, state and federal telecommunications cases, and has authored numerous local codes that provide protections for citizens while complying with all FCC requirements. Since beginning his legal career as a litigator in 1992, Mr. Campanelli has handled over 7,000 civil and criminal cases, and he has litigated over 1,000 cases to conclusion.
Part Four: The Unwanted Towers of New York - Odette Wilkens
Odette is President & General Counsel of Wired Broadband, Inc., a non-profit focusing on safe technology for the public. She has also been a technology attorney for over 20 years, having represented a number of multinational corporations in technology transactions. Odette graduated from Brooklyn Law School, holds an MBA in Finance from the Stern graduate school of business at NYU, and a BA from Barnard College, affiliated with Columbia University.
Part Five: Evolutionary Values - Julian Gresser
Julian is an international attorney, professional negotiator, inventor, and author of several books, including his latest one "How the Leopard Changed Its Spots" to be published in May. He is an expert in international negotiation, and was twice a Mitsubishi Visiting Professor at the Harvard Law School and a visiting professor at MIT’s Program on Science, Technology, and Society. He is the founder and president of Big Heart Technologies, and the Broadband International Legal Action Network (BBILAN), which is our partner in producing this series of webinars.
Part Six: Panel discussion with questions from the audience.